second Project Meeting
Second Project Meeting
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto | Porto, Portugal
May 10, 2023
The University of Porto hosted DIAMOND’s in-person project meeting, at their own facilities. The meeting was attended by Uli Würfel, Dmitry Bogachuk and Berit Brauer from Fraunhofer ISE; Fuguo Zhang from Dyenamo; Maria Antoinetta Loi and Lorenzo Di Maria from the University of Groningen; Sebastiano Bellani from BeDimensional; Gerrit Boschloo and Bowen Yang from Uppsala University; Luigi Vesce from the University of Tor Vergata; Adélio Mendes, Seyedali Emami, Dzmitry Ivanou, Paula Dias, Jorge Martins, Rúben Madureira, Marta Pereira, Eliana Loureiro and Diana Mesquita from the University of Porto; Tiago Lagarteira and Carolina Hora from Pixel Voltaic; Jan Christoph Goldschmidt from the University of Marburg; Stéphane Cros from CEA; Yong Ding from EPFL and Stéphanie Narbey from Solaronix.
After welcoming all partners, the Project Coordinator, Uli Würfel, kicked-off the meeting with the project overview and progress update presentation. This was followed by a general assembly meeting where project management procedures, amendments, and financial status were discussed. Then, each representative from work packages 1 through 5 presented their work. This included ongoing tasks, results generated so far, and activities for the next 12 months. During each work package, there was a lot of back and forth between the presenter and the rest of the partners. This stimulated the exchange of ideas and took full advantage of the in-person meeting structure.
To finish day 1, the partners gathered for a social dinner at Palácio da Bolsa Restaurant, in the city center of Porto. This served as the ideal opportunity for casual networking.
The rest of the work packages were presented on day 2, followed by a wrap-up and conclusion. Partners agreed on the 6th and 7th of December (M12) as the dates for the next project meeting, and on Uppsala University as the host of the next in-person meeting on M18.
The partners attending the meeting took the group picture below at the entrance to the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.