Kick-OFF Meeting

Kick-off Meeting

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE | Freiburg, Germany

December 1, 2022

DIAMOND’s kick-off meeting was hosted by the coordinators of the project, Fraunhofer ISE, at their own facilities. The meeting was attended by Bernardo Abello Garcia, Project Officer; Dmitry Bogachuk, Berit Brauer, Markus Kohlstädt and Uli Würfel, Fraunhofer ISE; Henrik Pettersson from Dyenamo; Maria Antoinetta Loi and Lorenzo Di Maria from the University of Groningen; Francesco Bonaccorso from BeDimensional; Gerrit Boschloo from Uppsala University; Luigi Vesce from the University of Tor Vergata; Seyedali Emami from the University of Porto; Tiago Lagarteira from Pixel Voltaic; Jan Christoph Goldschmidt from the University of Marburg; Stéphane Cros from CEA; Fatemeh Ansari from EPFL and Stéphanie Narbey from Solaronix.

The meeting started with a short presentation from each of the partners, where each member highlighted their motivation, expected impact, partner role and introduced their team. This was followed by a presentation by the Project Officer, where Bernardo Abello Garcia presented some interesting suggestions and advices to DIAMOND’s consortium; a general assembly meeting, where the partners discussed the project management procedures, contractual issues, pre-financing and a project management platform, factro, to have smooth collaborations throughout the execution of DIAMOND.

Then, the representatives from work package 1, 2 and 3 gave a short presentation, followed by discussion from all partners on the plan of dissemination and exploitation of their project results. To finish out the day, the partners gathered for a social dinner, to promote the personal relations between partners.

Day 2 started with the presentations from the rest of the work packages and a wrap-up from the Project Officer.

The partners attending the meeting took a group picture on the rooftop of Fraunhofer ISE.