Free & Online | October 11-12, 2023

Free & Online | October 11-12, 2023

Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Mandatory Fields
Title, Authors, Affiliations, Email of corresponding author
Topics of the Conference
When submitting your abstract, please select one of the following topics: Materials and cell design improvement; Characterization & Simulation; Device performance optimization; Stability; Upscaling; Sustainability.
The abstract can include one figure but should have a maximum of 300 words, excluding references (optional) and acknowledgments (optional).
Deadline for abstract submission: August 1st, 2023
Deadline for registration only: October 7th, 2023

Joining the Carbon Club Conference

We have 25 slots assigned for outside participants that submit interesting abstracts, to enrich and dinamize our conference. Don’t miss your chance at applying. By filling the form below and submitting your abstract, your are automatically registered.

You can attend the webinar without submitting an abstract. Simply register in the form below and choose “No” in the field “Are you submitting an abstract?”